Tuesday, April 8, 2008

South Andros

We arrived in South Andros yesterday after an overnight stop at a beautiful and deserted cay off the tongue of the ocean. We spent the day exploring the reefs and fishing the untouched flats. That evening we enjoyed a delicious lobster dinner. Today we set out early at first light in search of bonefish and the afternoon free diving a blue hole and exploring the coral heads. The water has been glassy smooth, the winds very light and visibility amazing. We have seen sharks, turtles, and many different varieties of fish. This afternoon we will move to another location to explore more of these uncharted flats and cays.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like paradise - just hope your beer holds out. Is the bonefishing different because the flats are normally untouched?


Anonymous said...

sounds wonderful!!!
anxious to see more photos!!
anyone catching fish?

working & land-locked in TN