This morning pulled off docks at Sydney's House of Peace and Love and left Little Harbour on Jost Van Dyke bound for Sandy Cay. We anchored on the downwind side of the island and swam in for a short walk around the island.
Laying out on the Beach at Sandy Cay after the hike
After pulling up anchor at Sandy Cay we enjoyed a downwind sail to the home of
Blackbeard the Pirate, Sopers Hole. We picked up mooring balls headed to shore to explore. We stocked up provisioning at Sopers Hole and did a little shopping in East End before heading back out.
Renoir II Sailing out of Sopers Hole from the mast of Mad Dog II
Mad Dog II on a Beam Reach sailing to the Indians
We sailed the boats side by side from Sopers Hole on our way to snorkel the Indians and the Caves at Norman Island.
The Indians, from the Mast of our boat
An underwater group picture of the girls snorkeling at the Indians
We anchored off Norman Island (the inspiration for the book
Treasure Island) for the evening. Tomorrow morning we are bound for Roadtown, the capital city of the British Virgin Islands