Saturday, July 25, 2009
Cooper Island
SAIL II BVI Girls Arrive in the British Virgin Islands
The girls from the Sail II BVI program have arrived in the British Virgin Islands and are safely aboard the boats in Trellis Bay. The girls spend the evening orienting themselves to their homes for the next 10 days, a matching pair of 50ft Benateau Yachts. Captain Jim and Captain Chris have divided the crew amungst the two identical boats and are ready to head out on our first sail in the morning. Our destination is Cooper Island, just across the Sir Francis Drake Channel from Beef Island.
Lundy Charters Crew Arrives in the BVI
The Lundy Charters Crew, Captain Jim Baker and Captain Chris Davis, arrived safely in the British Virgin Islands and have begun preparations for the arrival of the Sail II BVI Program. We are provisioning, fueling, and sailing the boats to Trellis Bay on Beef Island where we will meet the girls. Calm seas and a clear forecast await the girls arrival.